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The Chronicles Of Mummy Liew
. . . . .When silliness overthrows routine. . . . .

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Latest updates

My darling lincoln can walk!!! Mum called today and said he took his first initiated steps today and walked towards her... i am so happy!!! later tonight i am going over to see my darling... Can't wait!!

air con in the office is like Iceland, my hands are so dry you can use them as sandpaper. so i bought this hand cream from L'Occitane and it's really different from those cheaper pharmacy brands!

First of all the fragrance is heavenly. i bought the limited edition Cherry Blossom hand cream, while shopping with Angie last night. the creams come in 2 tubes of 30ml, $33.00 so actually its quite pricey. but the scent was soooo nice and the cream just absorbs into your skin with no oiliness and just soft soft silky skin remains... wonderful.

Angie bought its solid perfume as well, and some other stuff.... i bought its orange soap for my sister. my sis loves to use luxury soap so i thought i'd buy it as a gift for her. we went on to Crabtree and Evelyn, and she bought 3 different body lotions and a bath set. I bought a Jojoba bar soap for my sister again. she loves Crabtree soaps and the other brand Origins as well. but i did not see its counter yesterday.

I am now a L'occitane member, if you want to buy anything, help me get a chop on my card!! No discounts though... hahahaha...

Brain freezed @
2:32 PM

Monday, February 25, 2008

Lazy Sunday

Spent my sunday @ woodlands as usual... lincoln was being a naughty boy, he woke up at 4.30am and wanted milk... when he saw that mummy and daddy was with him instead of his grandparents (they usually slept with him), he burst out crying and screaming. he refused to drink his milk and was screaming the house down. he didn't even want us to carry him...

in the end, my MIL came into the room and soothed his nerves... once he knew his granny was in the room and hugging him, he stop crying immediately and drank his milk... we were quite sad that he didn't want us, but have to accept the fact cos we weren't around for the past few weeks, and he may have not 'recognise' us while still being groggy with sleep.

he fell asleep at 6.15am and woke up at 8am again... and in the morning, he was his usual cheerful self again. -__-'''

gave him milk for breakfast, and a little bit of noodles, he had another 2 bites of prata, and more bread... he really could eat alot!!! guess kids are curious about all the food they could consume!!

i gave him a bath which was his favorite thing to do and he splashed around like nobody's business, finally at about 11am, he took a nap.

by then MIL and 2 other aunties who keep to visit were itching for MJ, so we played 2 rounds, which i won 75 bucks... not bad for a leisure afternoon...

eventually went home at around 10pm. kelvin came to pick me up and we went for a little supper....

then its crashing onto the bed once i reached home.... super tired but happy at the same time...

Brain freezed @
11:29 AM

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Last evening was great food with great company.

I had dinner with Fion, Rach, Ju, Aarti and her bf, Michel.

Venue was Merchant Court, having the buffet dinner.

The food was above average, i mean for $39.90 after taxes per person, eating all the oysters and salmon sashimi was quite worth it.

Michel is Italian, so when he tried some durian mousse (potent stuff), he was appalled by its flavor... "It's sooooo wierd!!" was all he could mustered after swallowing a mouthful of the delicious creamy mousse...

Quite a nice guy, and i think he's a good match for Aarti. hope the 2 of them can lead to something beautiful!!!

And kelvin came back last night at about 2am.... missed him soooo much that i just hugged him at the door for a good 5 mins. we chatted for a while before dozing off... damn tired....

*keeps my fingers crossed* may we never quarrel again....

Brain freezed @
10:32 AM

Friday, February 22, 2008

A relationship to me, i think is quite hard to maintain. sometimes i wish i could just enjoy the companionship without the extra frills and turbulences.

But i still need to give thanks to God:

  • Giving me Lincoln. he is the reason why i live and breathe. His sole existence proves my purpose in life, and that is to love him and be with him.
  • Letting me married a man like Kelvin. He is not perfect, but no one ever is. Through him, i saw my own flaws, i learned how to love selflessly and also that i am never alone, although sometimes i feel i am, but in fact i'm not.
  • Having a supportive family. Without them, i would have not learn how important a family is to a person.
  • Surrounded by kind friends. Those who would never despise you and always ready to hold you when u fall. those willing to lend a listening ear, yet never complain at all.

i am so very grateful.

Brain freezed @
1:03 PM

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Tmw will be going for our monthly makan session, this time again @ Merchant Court. The buffet is quite a good deal, less than $40.00 per person and you get to enjoy fresh salmon sashimi and oysters.

Well, these 2 are all i'm after... maybe the durian mousse dessert as well!! Simply tokong!!

I'm so hungry!!! Only had a meal of chap chai peng today... during lunch, and later i am going woodlands for dinner and seeing my darling lincoln!!

I can't wait!!! 5 more mins to go....

Brain freezed @
5:50 PM


my new work place does not block blogger!!!

Can blog liao!!!


Brain freezed @
10:58 AM

Saturday, December 15, 2007

How do you know if a person is drifting away from you?

How do you revive a fading passion?

How do you keep the sparks alive?


I have certain answers to the questions above. I have tried to apply my answers to those questions, yet the questions remain unsolved. Could it be my answers are wrong in the first place?

I have many things i want to talk, want to discuss, want to joke about, want to tease, want to complain, want to be heard, want to listen, want to be known, but yet, i don't think my intended audience has time for me.

He is either busy with work, or with colleagues. but he is never busy... with me. We are now like roomates, living under the same roof. we don't talk about the same stuff, we don't even do things anymore. he is always busy busy busy...

has he neglected me? i am not sure. i think he has. i made an effort to stay up and wait for him, but he will just come home and watch TV. sometimes time would be so late that i would just end up sleeping first and by the time i woke up in the morning, he is still asleep. there goes another chance to communicate.

I dunno what to do. i do not know what is right and what is wrong.

Brain freezed @
3:20 PM

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Thats what i try to tell myself every day when my day ends.

Kelvin's turning 31 tomorrow. We have a whole day planned out to spend with Lincoln.

I can't wait!

Brain freezed @
11:12 AM